Homeopathic Medicines For Acne

 Homeopathic Medicines For Acne

Homeopathic Medicines For Acne And Pimples


Acne, is the skin condition which usually affects around puberty, is treatable with homeopathy. It is the dilemma of many adolescents and adults, however it can hit at any age. Homeopathy can treat this skin condition because the aim of homeopathy is to focus on the root cause of the disease. Details and modalities of symptoms are carefully considered before the selecting a homeopathy remedy.

For individualized remedy selection and treatment, the patient should consult a qualified homeopathic doctor in person. Following remedies are commonly helpful in the treatment of acne:


Antimonium Crudum:

Antimonum crudum is used for the treatment of acne that occurs on dry skin and the patient is prone to obesity because of unrestrained eating habits. There are pustular eruptions with burning and itching.

Arsenicum Album:

Arsenicum album is the homeopathic medicine used for the treatment of acne when there is appearance of acne on the nose, burning sensations in eruptions,

Asterias Rubens:

Asterias rubens benefits as a homeopathic remedy when acne manifests itself  in puberty. It is suitable for a flabby red face, pimples on side of nose, chin and mouth.


Berberis Aquifolium

Berberis aquifolium suits the dry, rough, scaly skin with pimples. Acne extends from face to the neck. It is better to use as mother tincture.


Borax is used as homeopathic remedy when the face is swollen with pimples on the nose and lips. Also the skin is unhealthy and dirty looking.

Bovista Lycoperdon:

Homeopathic medicine for acne treatment especially when the acne and other skin complaints occur due to the abuse of cosmetics. Acne becomes worse in summer. Pimples are on the entire body.


Calcarea carb:

Calcarea carb suits when the skin is unhealthy, loose and flaccid. Itching of pimples in whiskers.
Skin is fair but lifeless. Small wounds do not heal with ease. Cravings  for eggs and other indigestible things. 

Calcarea sulph

Calcarea sulph treats acne that persists for weeks. Pimples filled with yellow pus. Pimples are usually painful and bleed when scratched.


Dulcamara is effective homeopathic remedy to treat acne during menses. Sticky eruptions accompanied by itching.

Eugenia Jambos

 Eugenia is effective for acne that is painful and indurated.

Kali Bromatum 

Kali brom is a powerful homeopathic medicine for the treatment of pimples that appear on face, shoulders and chest, which are usually dark bluish red in color. Eruptions are a consequence of masturbation. The patient is restless and fidgety.

Natrum Mur:

Natrum Mur helps relieve acne when there is excessive grease on skin , acne gets worse from eating oily foods and cravings for salty foods.


Sulphur is indicated for the treatment of acne when every other remedy fails. The acne gets worse from warmth and washing. The skin is rough and pale gives the impression of sickness. Pustule like pimples with itching and burning.


 Homeopathic medicine for acne used when acne develops after vaccination, acne at puberty which is large and slow to resolve, leaves a bump after healing. Patient is often hairy and has perspiration that has strong odor and stains.

Cause of ACNE

The exact cause of acne is unknown, several related factors are:

  • Hormonal activity supposed to be responsible, such as menstrual cycles and puberty.

  • Increase in hormones called androgens (male sex hormones), which causes sebaceous glands to enlarge and make more sebum.

  • Hormonal changes related to pregnancy can also cause acne.

  • Another factor is heredity or genetics. Researchers believe that the tendency to develop pimples can be inherited from parents. For example, studies have shown that many school-age boys with acne have a family history of the disorder.

  • Accumulation of dead skin cell.

  • Bacteria in the pores, to which body becomes allergic.

  • Contraceptive pills

  • Genetics

  • Cosmetics

It is highly recommended to consult a trained homeopathic practitioner who would be able to suggest suitable remedies to address underlying causes. You can also contact us here.

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